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When you bring your child to our clinic, we begin with a comprehensive assessment to understand their unique needs. This assessment allows us to evaluate their speech, language, and literacy skills. Here’s how it works:


Initial Consultation: We start by discussing your concerns, your child’s development, and their history. This helps us get a full picture of what may be affecting their communication or literacy skills. This consultation may be over the phone prior to the initial session if the therapist determines they need additional information to create a comprehensive assessment. 


Observation and Interaction: For younger children, our therapists will interact with your child through fun, engaging structured play to observe their speech and language skills. They may play with toys, look at books, and ask the present adult further clarifying questions. The therapist is investigating what your child understands, how they use language (including non-verbal forms of communication), and their speech clarity. While it may look like they are simply playing, the therapist is closing observing and making notes of the interaction. 


Standardised Testing: We may use more formal structured tests to measure specific areas, such as proficiency in:

  • Understanding and using language 

  • Reading accuracy, fluency, and comprehension  

  • Spelling 

  • Written expression (extended writing such as stories or essays)

  • Phonological Processing 



Analysis: Once the assessment is complete, the therapist compiles all the data and reviews any recordings to make sure nothing was missed during the assessment session. They will then analyse the results in conjunction with the case history forms to identify areas where your child may need support. If the results are complex, they will consult with a director for further analysis before writing up the results in a report. 


Feedback: Depending on the type of assessment, we may wish to meet with you to discuss the results and recommend a personalised therapy plan.

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